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"Betuned, gives another perspective to our jobs and candidates get to see their future job and workplace in another way." Lindsey de Sutter, HR Equans
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If the engineering profession offers women a bright future, what about the challenges that the engineers of the future will all be facing in 10, 20, 30 years’ time? What will the engineer of the future look like, male or female?
Will we still need engineers in 20 or 30 years’ time? This is the not-so-naïve question being asked by some scientists and observers of the labour market. In 2017, a very serious study by the Future of Humanity Institute in Oxford questioned over 350 experts on the subject. To summarise, 43% of jobs in Europe may be threatened by the progress of artificial intelligence.
You’re looking for a job, you sent out loads of CVs… and you’ve been invited for an interview! Fantastic news! Congratulations!
Do you want to attract new talent to your company in an innovative, effective and rapid way?