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DevOps: the basics in five minutes

In computer development, DevOps refers to a set of practices which puts the emphasis on collaboration and communication between software developers and IT operations professionals. Trendy term, “portmanteau” or real paradigm shift? We tell you everything you need to know about DevOps in just five minutes!

9 tips for a successful job interview

You’re looking for a job, you sent out loads of CVs… and you’ve been invited for an interview! Fantastic news! Congratulations!

Dear colleague, I hate you!

It’s simply not possible to like everyone. In fact, you can hate as many people if you like if that’s your thing. But what to do when you loathe an unpleasant colleague and feel you can never get along with them?

I don’t have a degree, what do I do?

Ah! The big issue of degrees. Is it important to have one? Do people really need them? Why do some parents put such pressure on their children to earn a degree, or even two? Probably because at this point in time people are recruited on the basis of their degrees and academic history – to the detriment, sometimes, of the person they are or of their non-academic experience.

Mobile development: is Flutter the future?

Efforts to simplify and accelerate digital product development processes have been ongoing for the past ten years, in response to the race to innovate and the revolution in mobile applications.

Personal data: the stakes of Privacy by Design

Big Data versus the protection of personal data: who will win?